Fleet It can include various types of vehicles It can include various types of vehicles.

Road Work

Asphalt Pavers
Used to lay asphalt on roads, providing a smooth and even surface
Road Rollers
Compacts asphalt or other road materials to ensure a solid and durable road face
Used to level and shape the road surface for optimal drainage and smooth driving
Essential for digging and removing soil, rocks, or other materials during road construction
Used to move and transport materials like gravel, sand, or asphalt during road construction.
Concrete Mixers
Mix and transport concrete for construction, including road curbs and other concrete structures.
Pneumatic Compactors
Used for compacting soil or asphalt to achieve the required density


Versatile machines for digging trenches, holes, and foundations, and for general earthmoving.
Backhoe Loaders
Suitable for digging, trenching, and loading, often used in smaller excavation projects.
Used for heavy earthmoving, pushing large quantities of soil, sand, or rubble.
Used to dig trenches for utilities like pipes and cables.
Hydraulic Shovels
Suitable for heavy-duty excavation and mining operations.
Dragline Excavators
Primarily used for deep excavation in large projects like mining or major infrastructure


Commonly used for backfilling trenches or small excavations.
Used for backfilling larger excavations and compacting the filled material
Various types like plate compactors and vibratory rollers are used to compact the backfilled material


Excavators with Demolition Attachments
Equipped with shears, breakers, or hammers to break down structures.
Wrecking Balls
Heavy steel balls attached to cranes to demolish structures by swinging into them.
Concrete Crushers
Used to crush concrete from demolished structures into manageable pieces.
High-Reach Excavators
Equipped with specialized arms for demolishing tall structures.
Implosion Devices
Controlled explosives used for demolishing large structures safely and efficiently.

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